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It’s time to retire the term “user”

The proliferation of AI means we need a new word.

Sam Altman says helpful agents are poised to become AI’s killer function

Open AI’s CEO says we won’t need new hardware or lots more training data to get there.

An AI startup made a hyperrealistic deepfake of me that’s so good it’s scary

Synthesia's new technology is impressive but raises big questions about a world where we increasingly can’t tell what’s real.

A brief, weird history of brainwashing

L. Ron Hubbard, Operation Midnight Climax, and stochastic terrorism—the race for mind control changed America forever.

Is robotics about to have its own ChatGPT moment?

Researchers are using generative AI and other techniques to teach robots new skills—including tasks they could perform in homes.

Deepfakes of your dead loved ones are a booming Chinese business

People are seeking help from AI-generated avatars to process their grief after a family member passes away.

This solar giant is moving manufacturing back to the US

Tariffs and IRA tax incentives are starting to reshape global supply chains—but vast challenges lie ahead, explains Shawn Qu, founder of Canadian Solar.

Generative AI can turn your most precious memories into photos that never existed

The Synthetic Memories project is helping families around the world reclaim a past that was never caught on camera.

Google helped make an exquisitely detailed map of a tiny piece of the human brain

A small brain sample was sliced into 5,000 pieces, and machine learning helped stitch it back together.

Five ways criminals are using AI

Generative AI has made phishing, scamming, and doxxing easier than ever.


Our new issue!
May/June 2024

The Build issue

Who says we can’t still build things? In this issue: a look at the robots we’ve always wanted; a new model for space exploration; and efforts to flood-proof Louisiana’s coastline. Plus a wild, weird history of brainwashing; designing cheese with AI; and glow-in-the dark petunias.

How to stop a state from sinking

Louisiana’s southwestern coastline faces some of the most severe climate predictions in the US. Can a government-led project build the area up and out of crisis?

The great commercial takeover of low Earth orbit

Axiom Space and other companies are betting they can build private structures to replace the International Space Station.

A brief, weird history of brainwashing

L. Ron Hubbard, Operation Midnight Climax, and stochastic terrorism—the race for mind control changed America forever.

AI was supposed to make police bodycams better. What happened?

New AI programs that analyze bodycam recordings promise more transparency but are doing little to change culture.


MIT Technology Review’s What’s Next series looks across industries, trends, and technologies to give you a first look at the future.

What’s next in chips

How Big Tech, startups, AI devices, and trade wars will transform the way chips are made and the technologies they power.

What’s next for generative video

OpenAI's Sora has raised the bar for AI moviemaking. Here are four things to bear in mind as we wrap our heads around what's coming.

What’s next for offshore wind

New projects and financial headwinds will make 2024 a bumpy year for the industry.

What’s next for robotaxis in 2024

In addition to restoring public trust, robotaxi companies need to prove that their business models can compete with Uber and taxis.

What’s next for AI in 2024

Our writers look at the four hot trends to watch out for this year

What’s next for AI regulation in 2024? 

The coming year is going to see the first sweeping AI laws enter into force, with global efforts to hold tech companies accountable. 

What’s next for the world’s fastest supercomputers

Scientists have begun running experiments on Frontier, the world’s first official exascale machine, while facilities worldwide build other machines to join the ranks.

What’s next for China’s digital currency?

China’s government has struggled to find uses for e-CNY inside of China. Now, it's hoping to use it to challenge the US-dominated international financial system.

What’s next for the moon

Robots—and then humans—are going back to the lunar surface. Here’s what they’ll be doing.

May/June 2024

All the latest from MIT Alumni News, the alumni magazine of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

“I wanted to work on something that didn’t exist”

Polina Anikeeva, PhD ’09, followed up her ultrathin brain probes with tools to study the gut-brain connection—and now leads an MIT research center investigating neural pathways throughout the body.

Raman to go

Electrical engineer Nili Persits, PhD ’24, has developed low-cost Raman spectroscopy systems that allow instant chemical analysis.

A walking antidote to political cynicism

Burhan Azeem ’19, the youngest person ever elected to the Cambridge City Council, is changing the city one bill at a time.

An invisibility cloak for would-be cancers

Precancerous colon cells turn on a gene that helps them evade the immune system until they develop into tumors.

Competitive math

Since 1981, MIT students have been squaring off at the annual MIT Integration Bee.

The energy transition’s effects on jobs

A new study maps where the US employment market will change most during the move to clean energy.

A linguistic warning sign for dementia

Difficulty with complex sentence processing could be a clue that someone may develop Alzheimer’s.

MIT’s superconducting magnets are ready for fusion

A detailed study confirms that record-setting magnets built by the Plasma Science and Fusion Center and Commonwealth Fusion Systems meet the requirements for an economical, compact power plant.

A smart glove to guide your hands

The wearable device can send tactile feedback to teach users new skills, make robots more dexterous, and help train surgeons and pilots.

May/June 2024

MIT Alumni News

Read the whole issue of MIT Alumni News, the alumni magazine of Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Purpose-built AI builds better customer experiences

Successfully improving customer satisfaction through AI means becoming data-driven, prioritizing employee feedback and resources, and letting business goals guide technology deployment, says senior product marketing manager at NICE, Michele Carlson.

In partnership withNICE

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